Month: April 2020

staying at home

Hello everybody, it’s me, Billy. It’s been a month that we stay at home and it’s been great. Everyday i start my day with breakfast, then i do my homework and in the evenings i play computer games …

Staying at home

My name is Nefeli and i stay home because of corona virus. Every morning, when I wake up, after a while I do my homework. At noon, I play with my dogs and at night I watch TV. …

staying at home

My name is Debbie and i stay home because of corona virus. Every morning i eat my breakfast and then i start my homework. in the evening i play in the garden with my sister. I miss my …

Staying at home

These days we are staying at home because of a virus. We do not go to school or anywhere else. Sometimes I am a bit bored. But I am not sad. Everyday I cook lunch. I chat with …