Updated on 5 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
Our Spanish friends’ connections with ecosystems
Click to read about our Spanish friends' visits to various ecosystems.
Think and write: What kind of an ecosystem is it? What are its parts and how are they connected? What can one do there?
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nice gamew
My friend is not here
My friend is in a sea ecosystem

Yes, what are its parts and how are they connected?
Please, read and answer the questions!
1. it’ s a mountain
2. there are plants , flowers , mushrooms , birds , branches , trees , nuts and bushes
3. you can play games and go for hiking
Fantastic answer, Mary! Well done!
He is in a forest

Parts: rock river an trees
He has his arms open like he is fliyning
The kind of ecosystem is sea

They can swim in the sea
The parts are stones and in this place is very very very sunny
Max is in a forest.
It has trees,river,rocks and broken branches.
In the forest you can walk on the rocks and in the river.You can also climb on the trees.
Cora he is in the forest here yo can listen the birds
Cora is my friend
ther is flowers,birds , mushrooms and cows
sorry there are
1.It’s a grassland.
2.There are grass trees and flowers.
3.You can go for pic nic and you can run.
My friend is in her garden. In her garden, there are trees, flowers and green grass . You can also see the sea and listen to the birds. She is with her brother and her cousin .