
Month: December 2023

Resources for designing the greenhouse on the Moon

Here is file with information about plants and their needs, so that you can design your greenhouses on the Moon. What do plants need to survive_astrofarmer And here is a presentation about growing plants in space, by the …

Santa’s life!

Mog’s Christmas calamity video story

Geography project

Practise vocabulary, expressions and collocations: Meet the newcomers

https://content.e-me.edu.gr/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=h5p_embed&id=1113592 https://content.e-me.edu.gr/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=h5p_embed&id=1113608

Travelling around the world!

Follow the link, click Προβολή and choose your destination! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZMJ7-IsrHB3_LbuDKpIdYXvDvm8blrZbEmOrjpjz2KM/edit?usp=sharing