All about the greenhouse effect in a video!

Watch the video very carefully before you try answering the question about the greenhouse effect in your notebook!

Tip! Do not use Greek subtitles! It won't help you answer the question!

8 Comments on “All about the greenhouse effect in a video!

  1. Greenhouse Effect

    Did you know that we need the Natural Greenhouse Effect to live?If the Natural
    Greenhouse Effect didn’t exist the average temperature would be around -20ºC!!!

    Let’s start by describing how it works,Ok the Natural Greenhouse Effect works like this:The sun emits sunlight (a form of energy) to the Earth🌎,the Earth absorbs most of the sunlight and then reflects the rest to the space in another form called Infrared radiation,but some Greenhouse gasses like Carbon dioxide and Methane trap some of the Infrared Radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere with the result Earth getting even warmer.
    But the Greenhouse Effect gets stronger because methane,Carbon dioxide are released

  2. Greenhouse Effect

    Did you know that we need the Natural Greenhouse Effect to live?If the Natural
    Greenhouse Effect didn’t exist the average temperature would be around -20ºC!!!

    Let’s start by describing how it works,Ok the Natural Greenhouse Effect works like this:The sun emits sunlight (a form of energy) to the Earth🌎,the Earth absorbs most of the sunlight and then reflects the rest to the space in another form called Infrared radiation,but some Greenhouse gasses like Carbon dioxide and Methane trap some of the Infrared Radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere with the result Earth getting even warmer.
    But the Greenhouse Effect keeps getting stronger because methane,Carbon dioxide and other Greenhouse gasses are released by human activities and other factors,etc. Carbon dioxide is released when we burn coal,natural gas and diesel fuel.With the result of the Greenhouse Effect getting stronger and because it’s getting stronger the Earth gets warmer,with the result of extreme weather conditions happening more often,ice caps melt and in some years scientists even say that if the Greenhouse Effect continues at it’s current speed even towns near the sea will be buried by water.
    To help us understand how Earth is gonna be in some years scientists compare future Earth with the current Venus,to understand it’s gonna be so hot that even water won’t exist so we need to urgently slow down the Greenhouse Effect or our favourite Earth will look like Venus in some years and remember the NATURAL Greenhouse Effect is not bad the Greenhouse Effect we made is BAD!!!

  3. About the Greenhouse Effect

    Greenhouse effect we call an effect that help us and we need it about the tempraruture in Earth.Greenhouse effect works in the following way : The energy of the sun and radiations transfers to the Earth.Many rays of the sun remain on the earth but a few want to leave, but they can’t because the so-called carbon dioxide umbrella has been created in recent years.Because of the factories, when they work or do repairs, use oils, petroleum, so they burn theme and go to the earth’s atmosphere. Because of the umbrella of carbon dioxide the temperature of the earth rises, the ices melt and the water level rises.

    • In fact, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that regulates the Earth’s temperature. Without the greenhouse effect, it would be freezing cold and the Earth wouldn’t be able to support life the way we know it. So, this CO2 umbrella is necessary for us to live but up to a point. The recent increase in CO2 levels has made the greenhouse effect much stronger than necessary, which has led to a rise in the Earth’s average temperature (=global warming).

  4. The Greenhouse Effect is a very dangerous and serious phenomenon.Τhis phenomenon effects with the same way on Earth. During the day the Sun heats the Earth and the surface warms up. During the night, the Earth’s surface cools and releases
    heat back into the air. Because of the greenhouse effect, some of the heat is trapped in the atmosphere. That keeps the Earth warmer on average 14 degrees Celcius. The ice all over the world melts and the level of the sea increase. We must act now before is too late.

    • So, George, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. The energy from the sun reaches the earth in the form of sunlight and it is absorbed by land and water.
      Did you mean to say that the high CO2 emissions are a serious problem that puts life on earth in danger? And that human activity threatens life on earth?

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