Category: Activities and projects

Wild flowers of the Greek countryside 2024

This is the post for our Wild Flowers project. Following the link you can find a plant identification application which you can use to identify your flower adding the picture you have taken. You can also use …

Wild flowers of the Greek countryside 2022

Follow the link to find an e-book we created with the students of F1 in the year 2021-2022 about spring wild flowers found in Greece. What are the components of each entry?

Virtual water

A person living in Greece consumes more or less 1,668 litres of drinking water per year. Virtual water, on the other hand, is the water used in the production of goods and services we use. For example, to …

Earth Day … to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations

Here is a video in which climate activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot tell us how we should use nature to tackle the climate crisis. But who is Greta? Follow the link to read about her … Greta …

The invention of the dishwasher

Here is a post on the invention of the dishwasher machine. As you might have guessed, the person who first came up with the idea and the design of a dishwasher was a woman. Her name was Josephine …

World Stray Animals Day

Let’s have a break away from our digital stories celebrating the World Stray Animals Day! Every April 4th is World Stray Animals Day, a time to show love, attention and compassion to less fortunate animals. A feral animal …

Major dramatic questions in digital stories about the history of an invention

Speaking out loud through writing … about an invention! REMEMBER! Major Dramatic Questions can be stated or simply implied! Here are some examples of explicitly stated Major Dramatic Questions in digital stories about inventions! Study them and think …

Shared documents for the outline of your digital stories

Click on your group’s link and create the outline of your stories! Purple group Green group Blue group Orange group

Digital stories about inventions

Here is a collection of digital stories presenting inventions of the modern world! What do you think of them? Do they meet the criteria in the rubric for our digital storytelling projects? Traffic signals The windshield wiper The …

Digital stories about innovators

Do you want to get an idea of what your presentation can be like? Here are two digital stories about great innovators of the past, the Wright brothers and the Montgolfiers brothers! Watch and reflect on the rubrics …