Category: Activities and projects

What is ‘carbon footprint’?


A video to remind you of the composition of air …

  And here is a video about smog (smoke + fog)  

Talking about regular actions or things we are doing at present

Follow the link below and do the online worksheet. When you finish, click FINISH, write your name and click SEND. Remember! Con sometimes does his homework after school … (to talk about a habit) but today he isn’t …

You can make a difference VIDEO

Here is a video with sustainable ways of living. Watch it and write in your notebooks a paragraph with the information you have found interesting.  

Our everyday actions of sustainability Jamboard

Here is the link to our collaborative Jamboard with our everyday actions of sustainability. What do all these actions have in common and are considered to be sustainable? Type your guesses below.  

Let’s practise verb tenses

Follow the link below and do the online worksheet. When you finish, click FINISH, write your name and click SEND. Remember! I sometimes read a book in the evening … (to talk about a habit) I can’t go …

Sustainability in every aspect of our lives …

Follow the link to match the words. They are collocations (=words that are often found together) including the word sustainable … Below the quiz, you can find some useful resources that can help you with the answers. Here …

What do you know about sustainability

sustainability → when you use something in such a way that it will continue to be available in the future, when you can keep having something forever Now you know what sustainability is, think about environmental sustainability… Our …

Christmas wishes and customs from our eTwinning friends

Happy New Year, everybody! Below you can find the files with the Christmas cards you created for our Spanish friends. They have made posts with Christmas customs and traditions from Spain. Please, read their posts and say what …

Present yourselves to our eTwinning friends

Post as an answer below a short paragraph presenting yourself … First, describe your physical appearance. Remember what you answered in this post Don’t forget to mention what you usually wear and why. You have already answered …