How can we reduce the carbon footprint of our school transportation?

Here is the infographic on the results of your survey on the carbon footprint of our school transportation. Have a look at the results and think of specific suggestions you can make to deal with the problem of the high CO2 emissions of our school transportation.

CAREFUL!!!! The suggestions should reduce the carbon footprint of our school transporation. 

9 Comments on “How can we reduce the carbon footprint of our school transportation?


    We can reduce the carbon footprint of our school transport if we plant more trees or if we go to and from school by public transport. Also we can reduce the carbon footprint of our scool transportation if we buy a electric car.


  2. Nice, George, but people cannot all buy electric cars. We can’t make this suggestion

  3. We can go to school by bike or if our house is close by foot.We can also reduce transportation by motorbike because it contains more exhaust gas and pollutes the environment.

  4. Walking to school or going to school on foot is a great suggestion. However, it applies for people living close to school, within a walking distance.


    We can go to school by electric car or by bus. We can also do carpooling if there are a lot of people in the family who go to the same direction .

  6. Carpooling is a great idea and it shouldbe definitely promoted. As for the electric cars, I think that we can’t realky expect others to be able to pay so much money, unless of course it’s in their plans.



    Eat local and seasonal products

    Limit your consumption of meat, especially beef

    For your shopping you can use bags made from recyclable materials

    Try to buy only what you need, so you don’t waste food


    Buy clothes that have been made from recycled material or with an eco-label


    Use the bicycle or public transport

    Try the train for your next holiday

    Electricity and garbage

    Lower the heating by 1°, even that will make a difference

    Don’t sit too long in the shower

    Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or washing dishes

    Unplug electrical appliances and don’t let your phone charge when the battery is full

    • Great suggestions, Sevi! However, they concern ways to reduce our carbon footprint in general! Here the question is about our school transportation in particular

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