Category: Resources

Meerkats: the National Geographic page with photos and videos

Follow the link to see the National Geographic page about meerkats. There you can find videos and photos of these amazing animals. Have a look and we will discuss what you liked most on Monday.  

Seasons of the year SONG

Santa Claus is coming to town!


Aesop’s fable “The ant and the cricket”

Aesop’s fable “The and the cricket”

Aboriginal Art

Look at the paintings! What do you like in Aboriginal Art? Is it the colours? The shapes? Who are the aborigines?          

One voice children’s choir – Memories

Amazing song – amazing children choir!  

Video songs: the sound of Uu, Vv, Ww and Xx

Video songs: the sound of Pp, Qq, Rr and Ss


Video songs: the sound of letters Ee, Jj, Nn and Mm