

“Pip” is an animated short film presented by Southeastern Guide Dogs -- A heartwarming tale for underdogs everywhere, Pip is the story of a small dog with a big dream—to become a Southeastern Guide Dog.

The director is Bruno Simoes. The film takes place in a Canine University of southeastern guide dogs.

The film tells the story of Pip, a small dog who wants to be a guide dog for blind people. He decides to go to Canine University but his small size causes to him some problems, which with his intelligence he manages to overcome.

He fails at the exams but by saving a blind lady from danger he gets the prize.

The film is appropriate for all ages because its subject is very popular and moving.

I think it is a very touching film because it refers to being persistent and to make our dream come true.

And that size doesn't matter but courage.

I give to “Pip” ***** (Very Good)





Ένα σχόλιο για το “Pip

  1. Hi Bill, I’m so happy you’ve chosen to write about Pip’s story! It’s such a moving short film, and yes, it’s all about being persistent and making our dreams come true. Excellent organisation of themes in your post (title, director, genre, setting, plot, audience, opinion, evaluation).

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