Before corona came to town we were free!!!

We used to go at to school and in attend our subjects classes, we used to play on in squares and have fan fun with our friends, we used to visit our villages on holidays, we used to go on to the cinema and saw movies, we used to saw see beautiful places. In short we were humans!

We didn’t used to stay at ours home, we didn’t used to wear masks, we didn’t used to keep clean our hands with antiseptic, we didn’t used to watch TV all the day. Finally we didn’t used to use webex to do have our lessons for school and tutorials.

I  hope in the future we won’t have a problem like that  and we will be free!!!

4 Comments on “Before corona came to town we were free!!!

  1. Well done, Nick! Yes, so many things that we didn’t use to do. We feel like a great deal of our freedom has gone. We all wish it ended soon.

  2. I actually agree with you.Webex is the hardest thing because everyone have problems with their internet like me and its hard to focus to our lessons.

  3. Ha, ha, I agree with you we didn’t use to wacht TV all day and ” sleep at 24:00.🕛

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