Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889 in England.He died in 1977.His father and his mother worked in the musical theater.Also his mother worked as a tailor.

Charlie first worked as an actor.After that, he became composer and director.He married four women,Mildred Haris,Lita Grei,Polet Godar and Ooana O'Nil.He didn't have any children.He lived in the U.K. and later in the U.S.A.

He was a famous actor.He travelled in to the U.S.A. for his job and decided to live there.He got 13 awards and 2 of them were oscars.I love Charlie Chaplin because he was very funny.

One Comment on “Charlie Chaplin

  1. Hi Argyro, yes, we still watch Charlie Chaplin’s films today after so many years! This means he is one of the greatest actors (and directors) of all time. Excellent organization of paragraphs and information in your post.

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