
Μήνας: Οκτώβριος 2023

Good morning in many languages A1 boys

Do you know how to say good morning in Εstonian and in other interesting languages? To see it click below. Team: George, Aris, Fotis, Fotis, Dimitris, Dimitris, Dimitris  

Good morning in many languages -A1 girls

Do you know how to say good morning in different languages around the world? If you don’t know, you can see the interactive map below!!! Team: Aphrodite, Artemis, Deppie, Georgia, Aimilia

E-twining project 2022-2024

Last year we worked with schools from Arkadia in an e-twining project in order to save the tsakonian language. Click here to see our work Students of B class who participate in the project.

What is the European day of languages?

Do you know about European day of languages? If you don’t, click here…👇🏿 Team, B2: Foivos, Vaggelis, Thodoris, Apostolos.  

Languages around the world

Do you know how many languages there are around the world? Watch the video to find out! Greek version English version Team :B2- Sofia , Sofia, John , Aggeliki , Eva

French Language Origins-B3

Do you want to know how the French Language evolved through the years and reached its current form? Well if you do, you need to see this awesome presentation about French! Written in both English and French, it’s …

Αρχαία Ελληνικά

Το ήξερες ότι τα νέα ελληνικά προέρχονται από τα αρχαία ελληνικά και είναι από τις λίγες γλώσσες οι οποίες ομιλούνται από τον 8ο αιώνα? Ανακαλύψτε περισσότερα στο βίντεο μας, που δημιουργήθηκε για την ευρωπαϊκή μέρα γλωσσών! Μαρία, Μαρίνα, …

The origin of the English language

Did you know the origin of the English language? Watch how it evolved over the years with the help of our interactive map! Doreta, Konstantina, Maritina    

Proverbs G3

This is a quiz for proverbs in many different languages such as Greek and English. Find the quiz here. How to play the quiz: You need a person who will activate the quiz and players who will play. …

Proverbs Quiz G3

This is a quiz for proverbs in many different languages such as Greek and English. Find the quiz here. How to play the quiz: You need a person who will activate the quiz and players who will play. …