Digital Educational Platform e-me (https://e-me.edu.gr) is a modern, collaborative, social and extendable digital platform for pupils and teachers, designed to support formal, non-formal and informal learning experiences. It provides the K-12 community with a safe digital workspace and collaborative environment and is offered by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (MoE) as an asynchronous learning platform for Greek schools.
e-me is a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) which allows users to:
It is available in three editions/installations, official e-me (e-me.edu.gr | login with GSN account), e-me for all (4all.e-me.edu.gr), and multilingual European e-me (e-me4all.eu).
Customize your profile
Manage your contacts (search, add etc.)
Create collaboration spaces (Hives). Communicate in Hives through wall posts and comments
Create and assign tasks to Hive members
Create personal blogs and Hive blogs
Create interactive learning objects and interactive educational resources
Cloud storage for your personal files
Host reference material of the hive and make it available to its members
Create and manage digital lessons
Create and manage forums
Organize and disseminate students' and teachers' achievements
Create your personal repository of learning objects
Make calls, video calls and send real-time personal messages to your contacts.
Create your personal collection of bookmarks for favourite websites
Create your personal notebook and share notes with your contacts and hives
Create diagrams
Create learning designs with sequences of learning activities
Digital whiteboard for real-time collaboration
Create and manage questionnaires and surveys
Create mind maps
Greek Illustrated Science Dictionary for School
e-books: Greek Interactive Textbooks
Greek National Learning Object Repository
Greek National Learning Scenarios Repository
Create and share your calendar(s) for work planning and scheduling
Receive notifications in real-time from Hives, users and apps
Install apps to extend e-me's functionality
Install interactive educational apps
The main, official edition of e-me Digital Educational Platform, which is directed to all students and teachers and - compared to the other editions - has the most recent and complete functionality of e-me.
ONLY users with a Greek School Network (GSN) account can access the official edition of e-me, assuring this way that all the users are certified.
In the official edition of e-me we also provide user support as well as other services that have been referred previously.
By using the official edition of e-me you find yourself in a safe environment where you can cooperate with other certified users from the educational community.
"e-me for all" is directed to everyone who wishes to use the e-me Digital Educational Platform but doesn't have or wants to use a Greek School Network (GSN) account.
It is free and open to everyone: students, teachers, researchers, educators, public and private sector personnel, and others. Access to the platform is given through user registration. "e-me for all" has the same functionality as the official e-me, but it doesn't provide the same level of security as its users are not certified. Moreover, it doesn't provide equivalent services and user support, like the ones offered by the official edition of e-me.
The current installation of e-me (e-me4all.eu) is the European edition of "e-me for all".
European edition of "e-me" is open and free to anyone interested in Europe, schools, teachers, pupils, parents, academics, institutions, etc.
It was customized in the context of the PAFSE project (PArtnerships For Science Education).
The European edition of "e-me" expands use of Digital Educational Platform e-me in Europe.
e-me has been upgraded to version 3.3!
The new version 3.3 of e-me has been enriched with new apps and extensions that significantly expand the capabilities of the platform.
Specifically, the following new apps have been developed and added to e-me:
Moreover, several new features have been integrated into e-me:
We hope the new apps and extensions on e-me will greatly benefit you and we look forward to your suggestions for further improvements!
e-me has been upgraded to version 3.2!
The new version 3.2 of e-me incorporates a new hive app, as well as improvements and extensions to the functionality of the platform!
1. A new app, "e-me Library", has been developed and added to e-me.
"e-me Library" is a hive app for storing and organizing reference material (e.g. books, study guides, course documents, multimedia reference materials, etc.) and making it available (read-only) to its members. The Hive Admin and Helpers are the ones eligible to post, edit, delete and organize the material.
2. The hive wall now supports:
3. The "e-me assignment app" now supports:
4. The "e-me content app" now supports:
5. The landing and infographic pages currently offer improved presentation of information.
We hope that these improvements and additions will facilitate your educational work, and we look forward to receiving your comments and insights for future versions of e-me!
e-me Lessons: app for creating and managing digital lessons, structured into sections of educational content
e-me appository: a repository of interactive educational apps available for installation on e-me
e-me Forums: app for creating and managing discussion spaces (forums) within e-me hives
e-me LAMS: app for creating lesson plans with sequences of learning activities
Favorite hives (with a "heart")
Copy (clone) hives
Arrange posts on hive wall (with "up" and "down" arrows)
Categorize contacts in students and teachers (filtering)
Select multiple contacts for deletion
Technical maintenance work on the system, database and apps
Updates of platform technologies, libraries, and add-ons
Resolved issues reported by users and bug fixes detected during testing
e-me Library: app for storing and organizing reference material of the hive and making it available to its members
"Likes" ("heart") on posts and comments
Post sharing (reposting) on the wall of different hives (copy-paste posts)
Drafts of posts and comments temporarily saved on hive wall
Limit of pinned posts on hive wall
Hiding assignment description until submission period starts
New types of interactive learning resources
Improved presentation of information on the landing page
New nodes of information on the infographic including "Presentations" and "Publications"
Technical maintenance work on the system, database and apps
Updates regarding the platform's core components and technologies, as well as the libraries and plugins used by e-me apps
Resolved issues reported by users and bug fixes detected during testing
Dr Elina Megalou
Director of the "Educational Technologies, Training & Certification" Directorate
e-me General Manager
E-mail: megalou@cti.gr
Dimitris Giakoumakis
e-me Technical Manager
E-mail: dgiakoum@cti.gr
Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (CTI)
Directorate of Educational Technologies, Training & Certification
26-28 Mitropoleos Str., GR-10563, Athens, Greece
Should you face any difficulty with login in e-me or with your account (username- password) in the Greek School Network (GSN), please contact GSN user support service at https://www.sch.gr/helpdesk/ helpdesk / or address GSN user support local services as listed on this page.
For any question or problem regarding e-me, please contact e-me Help Desk as follows: