
The cross of Saint George

April 23rd, 2020

Happy nameday to all of you named George or Georgia, a popular name in Greece!

Saint George's Cross, also called the Cross of Saint George, is a red cross on a white background.

Saint George became associated as the "patron saint" of England after the English reformation  and his flag came to be identified as the national flag of England.(source: wikipedia)

Can you name the capital of England? (I'm sure you can!🙂)  Can you name some other major cities? What famous landmarks can you think of? Any English writers, poets or playwrights? Especially one who died on April 23rd???

If you don't know who I am talking about, read this article. (click on the word!) It's in Greek and it contains lots of useful information.

11 Comments on “The cross of Saint George

  1. The capital of England is London. Bath, Bristol, Canterbury, Chester and Durham are some of the most famous cities of England. Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle are the sights that every tourist must visit. Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, George Orwell and William Shakespeare. The famous English playwright William Shakespeare was born on April 23rd.

  2. HELLO!!!!
    The capital of England is London.Some other major cities are York,Liverpool,Manchester and Bristol.Stunchedz,Buckingham Palace and Tower of London are the landmarks that every tourist must visit.William Shakespeare,George Orwell and Charles Dickens are some famous English writers. The famous English writer William Shakespeare died on April 23rd.

  3. The capital of England is London.
    Other major cities of England are: Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol and Liverpool.
    Famous landmarks of England are: Tower Bridge, London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Shard in London and Stonehenge.
    The famous writer and playwright that died on 23rd of April is William Shakespeare.
    Other famous English writers are Lewis Carol, Carol Dickens J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.

  4. The capital of England is London.Some major cities of England are Oxford, Liverpool, Lincoln,Lancaster,Chester, Cambridge, Brighton.Famous landmarks are Big Ben,Blackpool Tower,Palace of Westminster and Nindsor Castle.Famous writers are William Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde.

  5. The capital of England is London.Some major cities are Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds.Famous landmarks are Big Ben,
    Fort Belvedere, London Eye, Place of Westiminster and Stonehenge.I love ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by Wiliam Shakespeare, ‘A Christmas Carol ‘
    by Charles Dickens and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ by J.R.R Tolkien.

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