
Write a biography

What Is a Biography?

biography is an account of a person's life written by someone else. It should not be confused with an autobiography, which is a person's own account of their life, written by him or her.

To write a good biography, you'll need to take notes about the person you are writing about. That'll mean reading a few books about the person, or interviewing your subject if he or she is someone you know. You'll need information on the following:

  • Early life
  • Childhood
  • Adulthood
  • Hometown/country
  • Path to fame
  • Current life (if they're still alive)
  • Later life (if they're no longer alive)
  • Your feelings about the person

You'll use these notes as the basis for Amelia Earhart's biography, but you'll need to know how to put them into paragraph form.

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