
Week 1 – Behind our masks

Thursday 17 September 2020

Hello, amazing people!

In Week 1 of school the masked heroes of ΄ΣΤ1 showed that they are ready to fight!

We are stronger than Covid-19! We fight it with masks, hot water and soap!

We keep a safe distance from our friends, but we can still say "Hi!"

What's your favourite distant greeting?

This school year isn't only about learning English. It's about staying safe and healthy. It's also about showing our friends and family our love and support!

Behind the masks there are superheroes full of talents and positive energy!

The things we need for this year's English class are:

  1. δύο φακέλους με ελάσματα τύπου Leitz (κόκκινο και πράσινο) - μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε κάποιον από τους περσινούς σας!
  2. ένα μπλοκ Α4 ριγέ με τρύπες για ντοσιέ



Miss E.