Πρώτη επαναληπτική ενότητα

Σε όποιο ‘επίπεδο’ κι αν είναι τα αγγλικά μας, γι’ αυτό και θα υπάρχουν δραστηριότητες διαφορετικής δυσκολίας! Έτσι, ξεκινώντας από το lesson 2, unit 1 του βιβλίου μας, θα κάνουμε μια διαδρομή στο παρελθόν….. Ας ξεκινήσουμε λοιπόν, έχουμε κάμποσο δρόμο για όλη την εβδομάδα! Ίσως χρειαστείς ένα λεξικό γι’ αυτό το ταξίδι! Δοκίμασε το wordreference!

School subjects and daily routines! (before the covid-19)!

Activity one: Play and revise the subjects!

·        Revise D’ class, unit 1, lesson 2. Do you remember them?

·        Play an easy game and review the school subjects from the British Council

·        And/or a bit more difficult one here! (move vertically, horizontally, diagonally & backwords!)

Activity two: Listening - understanding what you are listening to, talking about subjects!

You will listen about a report on pupils’ favourite subjects on different age-groups! You can listen more than once! Remember: Don’t forget:

1.      Look at the images

2.      Listen to the question

3.      Listen to the dialogue

4.      Try to answer the question

·        Watch the video

·        Take notes (use pencil and notebook) answering these questions:

1.      What are the age groups mentioned here? (eg. 10/11-year-olds)

2.      What is this poll about?

3.      Q1. Which chart shows the results for fifteen-year-old kids? (1, 2, 3 or 4?)

4.      What’s 10-year-old’s most popular subject?

5.      What’s 15-year-old’s most popular subject?

6.      What’s 10-year-old’s second most popular subject?

7.      What’s 15-year-old’s second most popular subject?

8.      What’s 10-year-old’s third most popular subject?

9.      What’s 15-year-old’s third most popular subject?

10.  Are any of these your favourite as well?

Words you might not know:

Regard – αφορώ

Poll – δημοσκόπηση

Age-groups  - ηλικιακές ομάδες

Chart – πίνακας

Q = question

Politics – Πολιτική

Reason – αιτία, λόγος


After you finish your answers use this tool to put your answers and compare them to your classmates’! (Don’t forget to write your name!)

Activity three: Write your best three subjects and give reasons why you like them!

Please use this padlet to write your short text online! Use your book (unit one, lesson two) to help you find reasons. Χρησιμοποιείστε το padlet πιο πάνω και σημειώστε τα τρία καλύτερα μαθήματά σας στο σχολείο (και γιατί).

Ελπίζω να σας αρέσει!

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