
Hobbies: Video and questions

Watch the video, then answer the questions below as a comment here!

A. What looked fun to you?

B. What activities have you done that you saw in the video?

C. Do you know how to swim?

D. Do you know how to dance?

E. What water sports do you like?

21 σχόλια για “Hobbies: Video and questions

  1. A.It looked fun the water sports, such as surfing and diving. But I also liked clubbing.
    B. I have done beach volley, football, tennis, bowling, music, trills, boat trips, hiking, shopping, swimming, arts, road trips and parties.
    C. Yes I do. I can do and perpendicylar to the sea.
    D. Yes I think I do.
    E. I like surfing and water ski.

    • Water sports look fun, I agree! So, you have played beach volley and many other sports, and you have been on a boat trip and on road trips. How exciting! A lot of people go shopping to spend their free time, I have done it before, but it is one of the most harmful actions for our planet. Do you mean to say handstand in the sea? I love doing handstands in the sea!

  2. A: Watching the dolphins looked fun,diving from a boat would be a experience ,and water sports I think everyone loves them!
    B:I have done water sports,going on a shopping spree, i have tried tennis(it didn’t went very well),travelling, sports (of course),visiting a museum, watching the dolphins,boat trip.
    C:Yes I know
    D:Yes I actually love dancing but I am not very good at it
    E:I like swimming,I enjoy water skiing,I am also fond of surfing

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