
Air pollution in Thessaloniki

Follow the link to read an article about air pollution in Thessaloniki

and use the following application to check air quality in our city during the year

Finally, have a look at the following graph showing greenhouse gas emissions in Greece.

What are the two major causes of air pollution in Greece?

A greenhouse effect experiment

An experiment to show that the higher the CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the higher the temperature will rise ...


Meet the greenhouse gasses

Here is the link to the Climate Kids of NASA. Follow the link to read about the greenhouse gasses. At the bottom of the page, you can find the gasses' ID cards ...


Let’s practise verb tenses again

Here are some more quizzes to practise talking about the present.

Remember! I usually do my homework in the afternoon ... (to talk about a habit)

I can't play right now. I am doing homework ... (to talk about now, these days)

Click FINISH, write your name and click SEND.


What is ‘carbon footprint’?


A video to remind you of the composition of air …


And here is a video about smog (smoke + fog)


Talking about regular actions or things we are doing at present

Follow the link below and do the online worksheet. When you finish, click FINISH, write your name and click SEND.

Remember! Con sometimes does his homework after school ... (to talk about a habit)

but today he isn't doing homework. He is playing in the park ... (to talk about now, today)

You can brush up your knowledge studying the resources in these two posts:

Grammar facts: Present Continuous – now, at the moment, these days

Grammar facts: Present simple – every day, often, once a month, every two years

You can make a difference VIDEO

Here is a video with sustainable ways of living.

Watch it and write in your notebooks a paragraph with the information you have found interesting.


Our everyday actions of sustainability Jamboard

Here is the link to our collaborative Jamboard with our everyday actions of sustainability.

What do all these actions have in common and are considered to be sustainable? Type your guesses below.


Grammar facts: Present simple – every day, often, once a month, every two years

A presentation of grammar facts about the Present Simple