
A video quiz about the weather

Watch the weather forecast (=δελτίο καιρού) and fill in the gaps.

Meerkats: the National Geographic page with photos and videos

Follow the link to see the National Geographic page about meerkats. There you can find videos and photos of these amazing animals. Have a look and we will discuss what you liked most on Monday.


All about Meerkats presentation

Watch the video to read and learn all about meerkats ...

All about meerkats in National Geographic

Here are two pages from a National Geographic mini book about meerkats ...

Read the text and post a comment below ...



Seasons of the year SONG

Santa Claus is coming to town!


Picture dictionary: Christmas

Follow the link to study a picture dictionary about Christmas!

British Christmas customs

Click on the picture and listen to the text about British Christmas customs!

Picture dictionary: Days – Months – Seasons

Follow the link to look into a picture dictionary and revise DAYS, MONTHS and SEASONS.

My timetable: Listen and read

Click on the picture below to see the page of the ebook. Then, click the play button to listen to Andrew talking about his timetable and read in your book!