
Μήνας: Νοέμβριος 2022

Fun quizzes to talk about things you are doing NOW!

Click to do the quizzes. Then, write your score in the notebook!   Present Progressive Tense Use, Continuous, ESL Grammar Fun Game Online  

Clouds with words from your answers about the greenhouse effect

Here are the clouds created with the words in your answers to the video about the greenhouse effect. Why do you think some words appear bigger than others? Choose 2 words and write how they relate to the …

A different scientific journal: Frontiers for Young Minds

Here is the link to an amazing scientific journal entitled Frontiers for Young Minds. The amazing thing about this journal is that the articles are reviewed by children!!! Also, it is open-access, which means that anyone can read …

All about the greenhouse effect in a video!

Watch the video very carefully before you try answering the question about the greenhouse effect in your notebook! Tip! Do not use Greek subtitles! It won’t help you answer the question!