
The content languages of the internet

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47 σχόλια για “The content languages of the internet

    • I totally agree. The fact that Chinese is not the first language used to produce content on the internet, despite its large number of speakers, makes me think the following:
      Its speakers prefer using English to produce internet content OR not many people speaking Chinese are active users of the internet.

  1. 1) Despite the fact that Russian is not high-placed on the most widely spoken languages (258 million people speak it) it is second on the most content on the Internet list (7.3% of the content on the Internet is in Russian).
    2)Although English has not many native speakers (379 million people) English is by far the dominant languange on the Internet.

    • Great observations, Alex! Your first conclusion leads me to think that the Russians produce a large amount of internet content, which places them high on the list.
      The second conclusion proves that Engish has been established as a universal language almost in every aspect of our lives.

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