
Greatest engineering achievements of the 20th century

Explore the website and present in class your conclusions about: a. its structure, b. the content.

The Innovator

Who is the Innovator? What drives innovation in this video?


Investigating innovation

Watch this video about innovation and discuss in your group what innovation involves.

Then, make a collaborative concept map in your notebooks, including a definition and the processes which innovation involves, as well as anything else you find interesting.


Innovation is Great … Britain

Watch the video and work in your group to complete the activities in your worksheet!

Here are links to online dictionaries and encyclopedias for Activity 2:

Wiki for Kids | Safe Search




Inventions word search

Don't forget to log in before you do the word search!


“What happens next” machine

Watch Kermit testing his "What happens next" invention! What is the function of his invention?


Resources for designing the greenhouse on the Moon

Here is file with information about plants and their needs, so that you can design your greenhouses on the Moon.

What do plants need to survive_astrofarmer

And here is a presentation about growing plants in space, by the students of the 3rd Grade in last year's Skills Labs


Now, you are ready to design a greenhouse adding tags about the function of its various parts and pieces of equipment!

Santa’s life!

Mog’s Christmas calamity video story

Geography project