
Classrooms around the world

Look at these pictures of classrooms in European schools....

Do you like them? Why?

What differences can you find with your own classroom?

31 σχόλια για “Classrooms around the world

  1. This class is different because the kids have a tablet and they did not wearing mask. The kids are in groups and they are more than 25 pupils and they’re class is big to medium size. They’re chairs are so comfortable.Our class is very small and we are not using tablets everyday basically like we never use in class. Now we are wearing mask and we never do a group with desks. Our class is very small and our chairs hurt so much. I would liking to do 1 lesson with that class

    • Great, Pan! Their classroom is much bigger that ours and their chairs are comfortable, indeed. We don’t use tablets in class although you sometimes used tablets with your teacher last year. Unfortunately, we can’t arrange the desks so that you can sit in a group because our classroom is terribly small. I would also like to do a lesson in a classroom like the one in the picture!

  2. I like they’re classrooms because are very big!The different at they’re classrooms are:they’re classrooms have got big or small windows,they have got big or small desks,they have got laptips or no,they’re classrooms are big or small and they are colourfooll or no!!!

  3. Yes,i like them because they have white color and big bookcase . Also they have big desks , comfortable chairs and two maps. In addition , they have black board , a white projector and blue floors. My classroom is small but they athers big.Also they have black board and comfortable chairs.They classroom are montern too.

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