
The content languages of the internet

Visit these pages to find an infographic and a table with usage statistics of content languages on the internet ...

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47 Comments on “The content languages of the internet

  1. 1) More than fifty percent use English.
    2) Although spanish is the third spoken language in the word, only six percent use it on the internet.

  2. •Common languages shuch as Italian, German, French ect. are not used a lot on the internet content.
    •More than half of the internet content is in English.

    • That’s true, Athina. Languages, such as German and French, that are widely spoken in real life are less widely used to produce content on the internet. Still, the recent years there has been an increase in the amount of content produced in those languages, too.

  3. 1) Chinese is one of the most widely spoken language in the world, but the most Chinese people don’t use their own language in the internet.
    2)English nowdays is the most widely spoken language in everything(Internet…).

    • I totally agree. The fact that Chinese is not the first language used to produce content on the internet, despite its large number of speakers, makes me think the following:
      Its speakers prefer using English to produce internet content OR not many people speaking Chinese are active users of the internet.


    1) English is the language most people use on the inernet
    2)Although China has an extremely big population only 1.3% of the content on the internet is in Chinese

    • Your 2nd observation makes me think that Chinese people are likely to use or have access to the internet less often than others.

  5. 1) Despite the fact that Russian is not high-placed on the most widely spoken languages (258 million people speak it) it is second on the most content on the Internet list (7.3% of the content on the Internet is in Russian).
    2)Although English has not many native speakers (379 million people) English is by far the dominant languange on the Internet.

    • Great observations, Alex! Your first conclusion leads me to think that the Russians produce a large amount of internet content, which places them high on the list.
      The second conclusion proves that Engish has been established as a universal language almost in every aspect of our lives.

  6. 1)English is used on the websites 62.8%, but 75% don’t now English.
    2)The second most widely used language for content on the internet is Russlan.

    • I totally agree! English is so widespread on the internet despite the fact that few people speak the language, which leads me to think that a lot of people are excluded from the internet community… They don’t have access to much of its content because they don’t speak English.


    1. The internet is very good if you speak English.
    2. It is very good if you speak German in the internet.

    • The truth is that, if you want to access most of the internet content, you must know English. German, on the other hand, is also high on the list. So, it’s good to know a lot of languages if you want to be active user of the internet and have access to the information on the web.

  8. 1) 18.2% of the websites use none of the JavaScript libraries that we monitor.
    2)j Dojo is used by less than 0.1% of all the websites, that is a JavaScript library market share of 0.1%..

    • I appreciate the information you are providing here but the infographic and the table give information on the content languages of the internet, not the programming languages.

  9. 1)The language that most people use on the internet is english.
    2)The second most widely used language is Russlan and the third is German.

  10. 1)You need to know English to use most things on the internet
    2)Greek has a very small number like the population of greece.

  11. 1)English is the dominant language of the internet around 60 percent of the internet is in English. 2)Despite that the Chinese is at the top 3 widely spoken languages only 2.6 percent of the internet is in Chinese.

    • Fantastic! Your are totally right … It is quite surprising that a small amount of content is in Chinese depite the fact that it is widely spoken in real life.

  12. -English is overwhelmingly the most widely used.
    -Chinese is spoken 1.3% in the world.

    • I totally agree with your first finding but concerning the second, I think you meant to write “on the internet“, not “in the world”

  13. 1)Εnglish is the language that the most people use 2) Turkish is not very popular language

    • Nice, Nina! But Turkish is quite commonly used to produce content on the internet despite the fact that it is not as widely spoken in real life.

  14. 1) 144 langueges are used by less than 0,1% of the websites !
    2) Greek is used by 0,5% of all the websites just like Thai, Dutch Flemish, Korean, Hebrew and Polish.

  15. 1)English are less spoken now than about 20 years ago.
    2)Turkish are about 83 million people and they are the third most spoken language in the internet.

    • Indeed, English is less commonly used to produce content than in the past. At the same time, Turkish is quite widely used on the internet.

  16. 1) Almost 63% of people worldwide use English as a language for websites.
    2) English language has a 56% difference from Russian.

    • That’s right, Pan! English is the most widely used to produce content on the internet.

  17. 1)The English is a universal language for business and scientific research at 53.3%.
    2)On the other hand ,the amount of contect in Greek language is limited at 0.5%.

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