
From Memories to the Hall of Fame SONG


Here is a more appropriate version for the occasion:

Here's to the ones that we got
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not
'Cause we've brought back all the memories
Of everything we've been through
Cheers to the ones here today
Cheers to the ones that we lost on the way
'Cause we've brought back all the memories
And the memories bring back memories, bring back you

There's a time that we remember we were little when we came
When we believed in forever and everything would stay the same
Now our hearts feel like December when somebody say your names
It's so difficult to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah

Everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody hurts someday, ayy-ayy
But everything gon' be alright

Go give a smile and say, ayy



Wild flowers of the Greek countryside 2024

This is the post for our Wild Flowers project.

Following the link you can find a plant identification application which you can use to identify your flower adding the picture you have taken.

You can also use the following website to learn so more things about the plant. It is a citizens' science site

.... it aims to promote people's participation in scientific observation and research.

Getting involved in a citizens' science project, people become more aware and concerned with social and environmental issues.

Here is the link to a Google Doc where you can add your images of the flowers and the story of its discovery. Zahos has already made his and it is GREAT!


Wild flowers of the Greek countryside 2022

Follow the link to find an e-book we created with the students of F1 in the year 2021-2022 about spring wild flowers found in Greece.

What are the components of each entry?

Virtual water

A person living in Greece consumes more or less 1,668 litres of drinking water per year.

Virtual water, on the other hand, is the water used in the production of goods and services we use. For example, to produce a McDonald's Big Mac takes about 2,400 litres of water, most of which is used to grow the grain that feeds the cattle.

It takes five litres of water to produce one litre of bottled water (four litres required for production of the plastic bottle, plus the one litre of drinking water).

Here are some more examples that will blow your mind off!


2,110 galons = 9,592 litres of water used only to produce a pair of shoes!

How many years of drinking water consumption is equivalent to a new T-shirt and pair of jeans?

Think before you buy! Do you really need them?

More than your life?

Earth Day … to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations

Here is a video in which climate activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot tell us how we should use nature to tackle the climate crisis.

But who is Greta? Follow the link to read about her ...

Greta Thunberg facts!

And here is a quiz to check what you have learnt!

And a fun closing activity ....

The invention of the dishwasher

Here is a post on the invention of the dishwasher machine. As you might have guessed, the person who first came up with the idea and the design of a dishwasher was a woman. Her name was Josephine Garis Cochran.


In 1883, at the age of 45, an unemployed Josephine Cochran decided, “If nobody else is going to invent a dishwashing machine, I’ll do it myself!"

About a month later, her alcoholic husband died.
Rather than abandon her idea, her husband’s death prompted her to turn her idea into her vocation.
There were few opportunities for 19th century women to invent or innovate. Josephine had to battle not only her gender, but her lack of professional training.
Initially, the men she hired to build a prototype in the shed behind her house refused to follow her design, believing it had mistakes.In her own words: "I couldn’t get men to do the things I wanted, in my way, until they had tried and failed in their own, and that was costly for me. They knew I knew nothing, academically, about mechanics, and they insisted on having their own way with my invention until they convinced themselves my way was the better, no matter how I had arrived at it.”
Eventually, Josephine hired a young mechanic, George Butters, who built her design the way she wanted it. Mr. Butters became one of Ms. Cochrane’s first employees and eventually ran Crescent’s dishwasher factory.
Several men had attempted to create an automated dishwasher before Josephine built her first prototype. However, they relied on brushes to scrub the dishes and required users to externally heat water and pour it into the machine. Josephine’s primary breakthrough was the use of hot, pressurized water injected directly into her device. Her original design also included separate trays for cups, plates and silverware, a design feature that remains in use to this day.
Ms. Cochrane learned the hard way that the first invention doesn’t always win the day. Her grandfather, John Fitch, infamously invented the steamboat but failed to make money from it, losing out to the charismatic and socially connected Robert Fulton. Unable to raise money in traditional ways, Josephine had to find non-paid forms of advertising.

In the end, she managed to showcase her creation in the Machinery Hall exhibit at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, , alongside inventions from Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Whitcomb Judson, inventor of the zipper. She won a top prize for how well her device was made and how useful it was. This achievement helped her company a lot.

Josephine filed her initial patent in 1885 as, “J.G. Cochran,” fearing her application would be denied if the examiner realized it was submitted by a woman.
After her patent was granted in 1885, she founded the Crescent Washing Machine Company and began selling her invention.
"If I knew all I know today, when I began to put the dishwasher on the market, I never would have had the courage to start. But then, I would have missed a very wonderful experience.”
Once her patent was protected, she found that selling her invention as a single businesswoman was even more daunting. It was unusual for middle age women of her social status to travel without a man by their side.
Years later, Josephine recounted her first sale, “… (it was) almost the hardest thing I ever did... You cannot imagine what it was like in those days. I had never been anywhere without my husband or father... I thought I should faint at every step, but I didn’t, and I got an $800 (~ $21,000 in 2020) order as my reward.”
Josephine created her device to relieve women of the never-ending and thankless task of washing dishes, not to save hotels and restaurants money. Yet, she realized that the home market was not ready to adopt her invention. During the mid-19th century, American’s didn’t appropriately value women’s household labor. 

Instead of sticking with a plan that wasn't working, she changed how she presented her product. This happened because people became more concerned about keeping things clean following the discovery of viruses during the 1890s. Also, it became more expensive to hire workers to wash dishes at hotels and restaurants. More and more Americans started eating out and staying at hotels, which helped her product become popular.

Many inventions are initially too large, complex and expensive for consumer use. However, many gadgets become smaller and more affordable, making it easier for people to use them.
The dishwasher was no exception to this rule. Though Josephine’s original vision was to help women who were tired of washing dishes all the time, the average home’s plumbing did not support the need for hot water and strong water pressure until the early 1960’s.
In addition, by this time, many Americans started to admire and appreciate the work done in the house. This made the advantages of buying a dishwasher apparent and more acceptable.
Now think about this questions ...
What impressed you the most in the story of Josephine Garis Cochran?

What was the primary breakthrough of her machine?

What were the difficulties she had to face before her invention could turn into a successful business?
Remember! Invention vs. innovation
What cultural and technological advancements helped make Josephine's invention popular?

World Stray Animals Day

Let's have a break away from our digital stories celebrating the World Stray Animals Day!

Every April 4th is World Stray Animals Day, a time to show love, attention and compassion to less fortunate animals.

A feral animal is a domestic species born in the wild, while a stray was abandoned or lost.

To celebrate the day, here is a poem I love, although it doesn't solely refer to stray animals.


by  Brian Bilston
some are big & some are small
some can fly & some can crawl
some of them there’s bugger all
some can howl & some can sing
some can bite & some can sting
some have started vanishing
some pollinate & some can spawn
some hunt by night, some wake at dawn
some of them will soon be gawn
some are loved & some are feared
some are cute & some are weird
some have nearly disappeared
some eat meat & some just graze
some move forward, some sideways
some you don’t see much these days
some are camouflaged, some distinct
some shed their skin & some squirt ink
some are more or less extinct
some have flippers, some have paws
some can whistle, some can roar
some once was but ain’t no more
one hunts & trawls & skins & chops
& wrecks & dumps & farms & shops
then wonders how to make it stop
What are some ways we can promote animal welfare in our community?
Animal welfare in our community can be promoted in several ways. One way is to adopt a pet from a shelter instead of buying one from a store, as this helps reduce the number of animals without homes. Another way is to volunteer at local animal shelters or organize fundraising events to support their efforts in caring for animals in need. Additionally, ensuring that our pets are sterilised can help control the pet population and prevent overpopulation issues that can lead to animals being abandoned. It's also important to report any instances of animal cruelty or neglect to the authorities so that action can be taken to protect animals in our community. By working together and taking these steps, we can make a positive impact on animal welfare in our neighborhood.
What about our school community?


Major dramatic questions in digital stories about the history of an invention

Speaking out loud through writing … about an invention!

REMEMBER! Major Dramatic Questions can be stated or simply implied!

Here are some examples of explicitly stated Major Dramatic Questions in digital stories about inventions! Study them and think of a Major Dramatic Question for your own story ...

  • What were the key challenges faced by inventors like Thomas Edison in developing the light bulb, and how did they overcome them?
  • How did the invention of the steam engine transform transportation and industrial production during the Industrial Revolution?
  • How did the invention of the printing press revolutionize the dissemination of knowledge and impact literacy rates?
  • What societal impacts did the invention of the internet have on communication, commerce, and information sharing?
  • What motivated Alexander Graham Bell to invent the telephone, and how did it change human interaction and communication?
  • How did the development of the assembly line by Henry Ford revolutionize manufacturing processes and shape modern industry?
  • What were the scientific and technological breakthroughs that led to the invention of the airplane, and how did it change the world?
  • What cultural and societal impacts did the invention of the television have on entertainment, news dissemination, and communication?
  • How did the invention of the transistor pave the way for the digital revolution and the rise of modern electronics?
  • What challenges did inventors face in creating the first practical versions of the computer, and how did these machines evolve over time to become ubiquitous in modern society?

Shared documents for the outline of your digital stories

Click on your group's link and create the outline of your stories!

Green group

Blue group

Purple group

Orange group

Red group

Digital stories about inventions

Here is a collection of digital stories presenting inventions of the modern world! What do you think of them? Do they meet the criteria in the rubric for our digital storytelling projects?

Traffic signals The windshield wiper The bicycle
The Internet The computer The bicycle 2