Unit 7: Arthur and his family

Click to listen to the story and read in your book!

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Arthur and his family: read and listen

Click, read and listen ...


Arthur and his family, Lesson 1: The story and the audio

Click, read and listen ...



My favourite place: Unit 7, Lesson 3

Click on the picture, listen and read in your book!

You will find the story here: http://ebooks.edu.gr/ebooks/v/html/8547/2276/Agglika_G-Dimotikou-MB2_html-empl/index_07.html

SONG: Where is Arthur?

Click on the picture and listen to the song!


We can’t find Arthur!

Click on the picture, listen and read!

Idioms about fruits!

Have fun with HAVE GOT and favourite movies trailers

Hotel Transylvania






What’s the time?

Daily routines

Follow the link to find some of your daily routines.
