
Άρθρα με τα περισσότερα σχόλια

  1. Paragraph about exploring the English Corner website — 7 σχόλια
  2. Old and Modern Creatures — 2 σχόλια

Λίστα άρθρων του συγγραφέα

Old and Modern Creatures

Write your answers in the comments below, after listening to activity 1B of the relevant chapter. How many answers you got right? Do not forget to write the name of your team!

Paragraph about exploring the English Corner website

Write a short paragragraph below, about your exploration in our English Corner website. Include answers to the following questions: Which pages did you like best? Name at least 5, and say why. How many FUN TIME page games did you play? Did you leave a comment in our GUESTBOOK page as you were supposed to? …

Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης

Welcome to English Corner 1

This  a blog for the students of 6th Grade of  Demenika Primary School in Greece!