
Catch-up on social media sociolect… μα χωρίς να κριντζάρεις!!!

Ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον άρθρο της Δέσποινας Δημά από ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ για την κοινωνιόλεκτο των νέων στα social media.

Από τα greeklish στα engreek και στο «τσάι»: Η νέα γλώσσα των social media

Best Webinar Of The School Year!

“Three Ideas that Support Educator Growth in Effective Differentiation”

The most interesting and inspiring webinar of this school year was this educational online workshop. It was organised at a national level by Greek state school education advisors of ELT teachers. Featuring guest speaker Carol Ann Tomlinson, a renowned educator and author whose work is a reference point for all teachers in Differentiated Instruction - a means of meeting students' individual needs in education, this workshop aimed to support teachers in the more effective utilization of differentiation in the foreign language classroom.

I hope you enjoy the web session! Credits to ELT Greece YouTube channel that uploaded the video. Visit ELT Greece YouTube channel to find the link to Carol Ann Tomlinson΄s presentation handout of the webinar.


Farewell, class of 2023-2024

Farewell, wonderful C class students  of the 1st Junior High School of Amaliada! It΄s been a year full of challenges but you brought laughter,curiosity, and a lot of heart to our school.

As you graduate, remember that the new road you take may be winding, but each turn brings new opportunities. So, embrace the journey, dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself and unlock your full potential. We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we will take a little of each other everywhere. May you continue to learn, grow, and inspire as you step into a new school world with confidence.

Let’s promise each other it's not goodbye but "see you later".

Wishing you a future filled with success, joy, endless possibilities and best of luck!

You'll be missed!

Your English teacher

RecyCom news in town!


Dear colleagues and students,

It΄s the first time I have seen this in the town of Amaliada and I thought I΄d share with you (in case you haven΄t already seen) . It΄s a new recycling station! And guess what?! It΄s in my neighbourhood!

It is called RECYCOM and it is from a company under the same name, which aims at collecting things such as clothes, shoes, accessories (handbags, schoolbags etc.), bed linen and more...

Searching RECYCOM on the Net, I found out that this is a project for municipalities all over the country. Their motto is ¨Don΄t walk past me, fill me and you help¨. Even though I am not sure whether they mean you help the environment by recycling stuff you do not need anymore or help other people who are deprived, I got the feeling that it is indeed for our fellow citizens who have a hard time buying things.

So if you have items that you no longer need, search for a RECYCOM station in your area. It should be next to your normal recycling or non-recycling bins. I guess you know that all the things you dispose of should be clean and completely worth of reusing!

Take care!