Day: April 11, 2020

Changing the stoty of Romeo and Juliet by Σταυρούλα Κ, ΣΤ1

Romeo and Juliet are two teenagers who live in Italy. They meet at a party and, immediately, they fall in love. The problem is that Juliet  is from a poor family and Romeo is a prince, but Romeo …

Recreating a Van Gogh painting by Aλέξια Π, ΣΤ2


Recreating a Van Gogh painting by Θοδωρής X, ΣΤ2


Recreating a Van Gogh painting by Σταυρούλα Κ, ΣΤ1


Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve by Αντωνέλλα Ο, ΣΤ2


My way to protect myself and others from the corona virus by Μαρίνα Τ. ΣΤ1

Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve by Ιωάννα Π. ΣΤ1