
Christmas songs!!!

Find the most popular Christmas songs below:

Jingle bells

Rudolph the red nosed reindeer

Let it snow

Last Christmas

Winter Wonderland

If you know all of these songs you're ready for Christmas!!!

If you know one or two songs then I don't think Christmas is your favourite celebration.

If you know 2-4 songs you're a big fan but you still need to learn more.

If you know 4-5 songs then you just love Christmas!!!!


Please answer the quizzes below

  1. Who brings the presents? a) Santa Claus b) Rudolph c) the elf
  2. What do we eat on Christmas Day? a) Christmas cake b) french fries
  3. Is it cold at Christmas? a) Yes, it is really cold b) Sometimes c) No, not really
  4. Santa Claus brings the presents on: a) 25th of December b) 30th November c) 1st January
  5. Santa Claus travels by: a) car b) train c) sleigh
  6. Santa Claus lives in: a) California b) The North Pole c) The U.K.
  7. Why do we love Christmas? a) Because it's fun b) Because we get presents c) Because we have a good time with our family.





Answers: 1. a, 2. a, 3. b, 4. a, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, b & c!!!