
Take me Home

"Take Me Home" is an animated short film created and directed by Nair Archawattana, with a collaboration of talented students at the Academy of Arts University.

Α touching animated short film. In a cold, dark dog shelter, a young beagle is waiting for the right one to take him home. Time passes by, the beagle is getting desperate. Until one day, hope finally shines upon him. He has to do everything he can to leave the place!

The film is appropriate for all ages because it’s a story of a four-legged animal looking to find a home

I think it is a very moving story that shows that unfortunately not everyone has a home.

I give to “Take me Home” **** (Very Good)!




Ένα σχόλιο για το “Take me Home

  1. Hi Evaggelia, I don’t know this short film, but I will have a look at it! It sounds very interesting and moving. The problem of stray animals (αδέσποτα ζώα) is a serious one. Excellent organisation of themes in your post (title, genre, director, plot, setting, audience, opinion, evaluation).

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