A Snowy Day In Athens!!!

When I woke up this morning , I saw from the window a white view! All houses , cars and trees were white! I was very excited!!!

I wore quickly my sweater , two pairs of socks my scarf , my cap , my leggings , my gloves , my shoes and my jacket.

My family and I went to our taerrace and played snowball fight . After that we made a  one little snowman . We also went for a walk.Walking while it is snowing is very excitinged!!! 

I will never forget this day , because it was is the first that I saw so much snow !!!!!   


2 Comments on “A Snowy Day In Athens!!!

  1. What a cute snowman this is Marisa. It was a great day, I’m sure. I also love your pink cap 🙂

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