
Before Corona came to town

Before Corona came to town we used to have a life.With Corona that's impossible.First of all we used to go to school now we are in front of a computer to do have our lessons. We used to play with our friends now we can only talk from a phone. We used to go to eat at a restaurant, go to the cinema, at to the shops,at to the playgrounds and now we can only go at to the supermarket and of course stay home till we will be are safe from Corona.Before Corona we could hug each other now we need to stay two metres far with a mask.Everyday we hear at the news how bad the things are and we hope soon everything becomes like it was. All time when Every time we touch something we need to wash our hands or take put antiseptic.When it's time to go out we need to wear a mask,we cant go out after 9 o'clock and at the weekends after 7 o'clock.If you had asked me 2 two years ago for something like Corona I had tell would have told you that these things happen only to in the movies.I wish it would ends soon and we went go back to our lives.


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