Before corona came to town…

Before corona virus we used to go at to school.Now, we have to sit in front of a computer all day to do have our lessons.It is tiring and sometimes boring.When we have a break, we can' t go out to play.

But the worst of all is that we can' t see our friends,we can't hug each other and we have to wear that silly mask.Another thing that we used to do was shopping.Now, we have to order our clothes from the internet and after a lot of days , couriers bring them to us.

Before corona virus, we didn't use to do all these.Everything was easier.

I hope our life to be as before, soon.




4 Comments on “Before corona came to town…

  1. Yes, everything was easier, Christina. I’m sure it is tiring and boring to have online classes all the time. Let’s hope we soon meet in school again. Excellent work.

  2. Hi Christina yes I agree it is pretty bad that we can’t hug each other.But one thing that is also bad as you said is that we have to sit in front of a computer and we MUST wear that silly mask.Our life changed a lot if corona didn’t exist I would tell you my opinion about what you have written at school.It was a pretty nice post and your opinion is like mine!!!

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