When I grow up I want to become…

When I grow up I want to become a vet . Vets works in animal clinics . Also they look after animals and help them to be better . In a single day they go everywhere to help animals and give them first aid and medicine.

To be a vet needs a lot knowledges . You must know biology , science and first aid classes . It is important for vets to like to help animals , to be responsible for the instructions they give for the animals and to be cheerful and compassionate.

I love animals and that's why when I grow up I want to become a vet .




Nurse- My future job

When I grow up I want to become a nurse . Nurses work in hospitals and help people to be well .Also now many nurses work to save people of from covid-19.

A nurse should have patience , communication skills and be kind forto patients. Also a nurse must care of for and give first aid to patients .

Finally a nurse must have the knowledge of  Maths , Science , language and the ability of many subjects to learn like and to be helpful for people.

I want to be a nurse because I like to helping people and caring for them.


My future job

When I grow up, I want to be a computer programmer. For this job you have to know how to use a computer really well. You also have to be good at informatics and you need to know a second language because if you are good at this job, a company from outside abroad may want you to work there. It will be great if I succeed to in this work because I like it and who knows, I may invent the microsoft Windows of the future.

Alex 🙂

When I grow up,I want to be a make-up artist…

When someone asks me what I want to be my first answer is a make-up artist.

I like to change the people drawing with using colours and make them more beautiful. It's something that makes me happy.

My work needs imagination and a stable hand. Useful subjects are chemistry, biology and maths.

Επαγγελματικό Μακιγιάζ – Μαθήματα Make up Artist! | ΕΣΠΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ

What job I want to do when I grow up

When I grow up I want to become a fitness instructor.In this profession I will help children to workout with my instructions.For this job you need to keep in good form and also to be good at sports.I should deal with maths, greek language,economics and informatics.I hope to succeed this goal for my future.

Primary School Teacher- My Future Job !!!!

When I grow up, I want to become a primary school teacher. Primary school teachers have to do with young children and they try hard to make them understand all the subjects.

A primary school teacher should be very patient,creative,cheerful and hard working.Good communication skills and much love for children are also important !!!!!

Finally, a teacher should have knowledge about MATHS,LANGUAGE, HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY and SCIENCE.

I love kids very much that's why I want to do this job in the future !!!!!!




Before Corona came to town

Before Corona came to town we used to hug each other and we didn't use to wear masks. We used to go to school. We used to go to places all over the country or around the world and for holidays anywhere we wanted. We didn't use to send SMS or justify where are we are going to go. We couldn't imagine what is covid-19 is or what is quarantine is. With a few words In a nutshell, we were free.Now we wear our masks, we don't go to school,we do have online lessons and if we touch anything which is not ours we must wash our hands immediately. The borders are closed and we stay at home all day. The shops used to be open, but now they are closed. Lots of people lost their jobs because of covid-19. I wish covid-19 would end soon and we return at last to normality.

Before Corona came to town

Before Corona came to town we used to have a life.With Corona that's impossible.First of all we used to go to school now we are in front of a computer to do have our lessons. We used to play with our friends now we can only talk from a phone. We used to go to eat at a restaurant, go to the cinema, at to the shops,at to the playgrounds and now we can only go at to the supermarket and of course stay home till we will be are safe from Corona.Before Corona we could hug each other now we need to stay two metres far with a mask.Everyday we hear at the news how bad the things are and we hope soon everything becomes like it was. All time when Every time we touch something we need to wash our hands or take put antiseptic.When it's time to go out we need to wear a mask,we cant go out after 9 o'clock and at the weekends after 7 o'clock.If you had asked me 2 two years ago for something like Corona I had tell would have told you that these things happen only to in the movies.I wish it would ends soon and we went go back to our lives.


Before corona came to Greece

Before covid-19 we all used to be free. No mask, no social distance,  no measures, nothing like that. But now with corona we have to wear a mask every time we want to go out and sendt an sms to the government. I really hate that we  don't used to have lessons by on webex. We used to go to school to learn, not from a screen. We used to go to play in the squares, not staying at home.

To sum up with,I really hate life in the coronavirus era.

Before Corona Came To Town

Before corona came to town we didn't use to wear masks and  we used to celebrate all the celebrations with our friends , but now we celebrate them in our houses. Now we must keep 2 metres  distance too. Also before corona we used to travel , but now the borders are closed. and sShops didn't use to be closed , but now they are and we have to buy everything online.

 I wish Corona will would end finishes , because no one likes it . Also I am happy that my friends and my family are healthy!!!!!