
Before Corona Came To Town …… !!!!!!!

Before Corona Virus came to town, we were all happy !!!! We used to go to school every day and meet our friends !!!!!! We used to play all together without a 2- metre distance and we didn't use to wear masks and use antiseptic gel all the time.We didn't use to have lessons on WEBEX and SKYPE platform !!!!! 

We used to go to after- school activities, parties and our friends' home !!!!! We used to go shopping without sending  SMS or writing a  NOTE and we didn't use to be at home at 6:00 p.m. 

We used to celebrate CHRISTMAS and EASTER with our relatives and we used to TRAVEL to different places and countries !!!!!!

I want my FREEDOM and HUGS back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Before corona came to town…

Corona is a very bad disease🌡.Many people was death and death die every day. ☠.Before corona came to town we were all happy we didn't wanted know how our life would be if we will stayed at home, now we are know.We are sure , we had everything we say,but not now😕.

We used to live in a beautiful city town. Now with use to we live in a city town who had with many instances covid cases every day, sometimes who  get over one thousand .We used to go for shoping without masks.We use to go everywhere without sms .We didn't used not to stay home all day . Some people like it, because is some dangerous experience.We used to play outside every time day, now  we go  at home at 9 o'clock.We didn't use to used not had have lessons by using a laptop,computer, tablet or a phone.We used to fly kites,but not now.Every minute , second or day more people die death.We used to believe who the tomorrow will be better isn't.We used to  call invite many many people in a weadding now we used do not go for to weaddings.We used to go for to a party without fear skary.We used to have freedom.


One week ago, while I was sleeping, my mom came and woke me up very happy and she said to me that it was snowing outside. When I heard that I jumped out of my bed and I ran outside. I couldn't believe my eyes! It was snowing so much that I couldn't see the opposite house!

I wore my clothes for snow and I went to the garden. All the people who are living in the block of flats were there with their kids too, so I had friends to play with. We were playing snowball fight, we were jumping into the snow and we made a big snowman. I had so much fun!

That was my favorite day of my life and I hope i will see so much snow in the future!

TIP: In the 1st picture none of them are my parents, they are friends


A snowy day in athens !!!

 A week ago it snowed in Athens after many years !!!! I woke up at 9 o'clock and everything was snowy !!!!! My balkcony was full of snow !!! I was excited !! I wanted to go out and play !!

I wore my thickest jacket ,my warmest clothes ,my boots ,gloves and a hat .

First I went for a walk with my family ,then we played snowball fight .In the end we made a beautiful snowman and we did also made snow angels !!!!!

It was the best day of my life !!!!!!!!




When I got up and saw looked out of the window I was happy because everywhere was white and snowy. I got dressed well and went on to the balcony. Then I played snowball fighting with my brother and my sister and we made a big snowman. We went down to the square to take photos. There we found my friends and played with them.

A snowy day in Athens!!!

On the 16th of February, I woke up and I opened my window and I saw my garden with a lot of snow. I was am so excited that I ate quickly my breakfast and I got ready to go to my garden.I wore  very warm clothes like sweatshirt,jacket,fitness form,gloves,hat and scarf.We played snowball fight and made a snowman with a protection mask .We had a lot of fun!

Then we went home and drank hot chocolate with cookies in front of the fireplace with the whole family!!! Wish to see again snow this year.


A snowy day in Athens

It was the 16th of February. I woke up and I saw looked outside of my window. Everything was white. I was so excited.

I phoned to Elena and Joanna and I went to their house on foot.

We were wearing warm clothes, gloves, hats and scarfves because it was too cold. I  forgot my gloves but for good luck their mum gave me one pair. 

We made a snowman which we called "Olaf" and he was like a unicorn. We played snowball fight and we had fun. It was the best winter ever. 

Christina, Elena Joanna

A Snowy Day In Athens!!!

When I woke up this morning , I saw from the window a white view! All houses , cars and trees were white! I was very excited!!!

I wore quickly my sweater , two pairs of socks my scarf , my cap , my leggings , my gloves , my shoes and my jacket.

My family and I went to our taerrace and played snowball fight . After that we made a  one little snowman . We also went for a walk.Walking while it is snowing is very excitinged!!! 

I will never forget this day , because it was is the first that I saw so much snow !!!!!   


A snowy day in Athens

Yersteday morning when I woke up,I saw verya lot of snow❄ in my balcony.The view is was so beautiful !All Everything was is🌧 white!.

I made a short snowman in the balcony.I  put a carrot for nose and a button for eyes.⛄⛄⛄⛄

In At 11  o ' clock I was made a cute snowman on the terrace.

I was wearing a cap, gloves,leggings and a hoodie.

Then I went outside and I was played snowball fight ... After that, we went for a walk!🌿

I felt very happy 😁😁😁because it was is my the first time I saw so much snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!⛄⛄⛄

A snowy day in Athens

Yesterday I got up very early. The first thing I did was to look out of the window. I was excited everything was covered with snow even the street. I was so happy that I went and woke up my parents and my brother. My brother and me wore our hesothermic isothermal clothes, our ski suits , our scarvefs and caps and we went out to play with the snow. We played in our garden and then we went to Spyro's house, so we played snowball fight, we made snowmansmen and angels. It was fantastic! After a long time we went to our home to finish our homework. Later we descidted to go to my friend's house. There we played snowball fight parents vs childs children. We slipped a lot of times but we didn't care a lot. We also made and a wall of snow for protection. That day was the best of my life. At last we took a lot of pictures so we could remember that snowy day in Athens.