

When the gods made humans and animals, Zeus gave the Titans, Prometheus and Epimetheus, 
a basket of gifts to right shareing them ,so that life, of for all would become easier. 
Epimetheus,gave all the gifts of the basket to the animals and so, 
when Prometheus' turn came,there was nothing in the basket to shareing to with the people.

Then Prometheus decided to go up to Olympus to discuss the problem with Zeus. 
There, he saw that the gods used fire to cook and get warm.This is the most precious gift 
and it can change people's lives,Prometheus thought,asking Zeus to give him the fire.
Zeus,refused and so Prometheus stole the fire and shareding it to with the people.

When Zeus realized that Prometheus had stolen the fire,he asked Hephaestus to build 
iron chains and punished him, tying him to a rock on Mount Caucasus, where an eagle 
would go every day and bite him. Because Prometheus was immortal, every night, his wounds healed. 
Passing through the Caucasus, Hercules,killed the eagle and breaks broke the chains.

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