Ones Once upon a time Hades,god of the Underworld,fell in love with beautiful Persephone who was the daughter of god Demeter.One day Persephone was picking flowers when the earth opened,Hades appeared and took her to the underworld.Demeter listened to the screams of Persephone and ran to find her.She was searching for 9 days and nights until Helios told her where she was.

Demeter asked Zeus to bring her back but he said no.Demeter was angry and started walking all over the world and she was crying.Wherever she was passing the earth was becoming dry and animals were died.Then Zeus descided to bring back Persephone and everything blossomed again.

From Since then Persephone lived 6 months with her mother and 6 months with Hades.When Persephone lives with Demeter, everything are is green and we have Spring and Summer and when Persephone lives with Hades all everything fades and we have Autumn and Winter.



  1. Hi Theodore, excellent idea to write about this myth in your post. Well done, I enjoyed reading about the myth of Persephone.

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