
Perseus and Medusa

Perseus leaves Serifos on a boat in order to find the Mermaid Medusa. In his path he meets the goddess Athena and the god Hermes, from whom he is informed that in order to kill Medusa he must obtain:

1.Hades' helmet, so that he can become invisible to and approach his target.
2.The magic bag that's going to put the terrible head in.
3.The winged sandals, because Gorgo-Medusa, lived on a rock, in the middle of the sea.
4.The shining shield from which he would see Medusa's head. Because anyone who saw Medusa in the face would die fall.
5.The sharp sword or sickle with which he would cut Gorgos' hard neck.

Athena gives him the shining shield and Hermes the winged sandals.

All that remained was to find out where the mortal Mermaid lived. Once again Athena helps him and tells him the way to the Graia.

The Graes were sisters of the Gorgons and the only ones who knew their place of residence. They were repulsive beings. They were three old ladies who had a comical element: because they had an eye and a tooth, they exchanged them for each other.

Perseus approached them invisible and, taking advantage of the moment of exchange, grabbed their eye. The Graes, knowing the relevant oracle for Gorgo, with difficulty and under the threat of losing their eye, testify revealed (αποκάλυψαν)to the hero the place of residence of Medusa where Medusa lived.

When the hero approached Medusa, invisible and looking at the mirror of his shield, with Athena's help, he cut off her head and put it in the backpack.


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