The Beauty and the Beast

The Beauty  was a very beautiful girl , good-hearted and kind. She had green eyes, brown and long hair.  She lived in a small village with her father because her mother died when she was a baby.  Some kilometers away from her village there was a rude and ungly beast who was lived in a palace. This ungly beast wasn't really a beast but it was a prince. An old lady cursed him to stay a beast until he finds the true love.She gave him a red rose and told him to find this love until all petals of the rose fall. The Beauty and the Beast will soon  fell in love. This true love was enough to transform  the beast to a good - hearted prince.

4 Comments on “The Beauty and the Beast

  1. Hi Vicky, a fine post on not one, but two heroes! All the information on the story, the heroes’ appearance and character is in. Well done dear 🙂

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