
Cinderella was a young girl ,pretty and good-hearted with blond hair and blue eyes like the sky.She lived with her step-mother and her step-sisters who loaded her with jobs all the time because her mother died when she was a baby. Her father got married again so that his daughter would not feel that she did not have a mother. Unfortunatelly her father died on a journey.After a few years all the girls of the kingdom were invited to the royal dance where the prince who was handsome with black hair and green eyes fell in love with Cinderella who on the day of the dance wore a gorgeous blue dress and a couple of glass heels. Her fairy managed not to be recognized by her step-mother and her step-sisters. The next morning the prince managed to find her and they got married happily ever after.




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3 Comments on “Cinderella

  1. Hi Emmanuela, well done for your post on Cinderella! She is so famous, isn’t she? Very nice use of adjectives to describe her appearance and character. Maybe you could add some more? (e.g. kind, sensitive, delightful, delicate….) 🙂

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