
“I am in love with you”-card board game




Team: Viktoria, Lydia, Stella, Athina, Anastasia, Sophie, Konstantina

Good morning interactive map Α3 boys

Do you know how to say good morning in different languages

Team: Evans,Nicky,Steven,Savvas,Nick,Giorgis A3

I love you-interactive map

Do you know how to say << I love you >> in foreign languages?

If you don't, you can learn with our interactive map!

Team: A3 Alexandra, Thomas, Ioannis, Eleniki, Thanos, Dimitris, Paris, Theofilos, Eleni

Famous monuments- Aξιοθέατα

Team: Emmanouela, Irida, Dimitra, Eleni

European customs

Learning a language is about coming in contact with its culture!

And what better way to experience culture if not through customs ?

Watch our video to find out about some interesting customs in Greece, England, France and Germany!

Team: Evelyn, Akrivi, Ismini

Ancient Greek language

Did you know that Modern Greek stem from Ancient Greek and remain one of the few languages being spoken since the 8th century?

Discover more in our video created for the European Day of Languages.

European language facts

In how many countries is English an official language?

Which is the most spoken language in Europe?

Team: Chris, Nassia, Maria, Alexia, Xenophon

Pluriligualism: the value of learning languages

The 1st Model High School of Ilion in Greece is a plurilingual school!

This means we learn many languages besides Modern Greek! In fact, we learn English, French and German.

1st Model High School of Ilion

Hello dear European students!

Would you like to know who we are? Watch our video to find out!

Team: created by students of B grade, for dissemination of last year's eTwinning project.

Watch our school clubs for this year!

Team: B'2 - Olga, Sofia

Characteristic foods of European countries

Food is a very important piece of the culture of a country. So, for the European Day of languages, we decided to present you ten characteristic foods of four European countries. (England,France,Germany and Greece).

To see the traditional foods of France and England watch the video:

To see the traditional foods of Germany warch the ppt:

To see the traditional foods of Greece warch the ppt:

Team: Valia, Mariza, Konstantinos, John