Recreating an El Greco painting! Αναστάσης

Τhe portrait of a gentleman

Μy way to protect myself and others from the corona virus by Joanna

What I miss most about school by Anna K.

When I am not at school I miss my lessons, my teachers , my classmates and the times we have fun. I also miss the games at the breaks, such as  hide and seek ,thieves  and policemen, prisoner’s base and authors and mostly I miss my friends because I have fun with them.

I wish that we will be back at school  soon.

Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve by Στέφανος Ζ.

Ιn my house I play football, I watch TV and I play  board games with my sister, such as monopoly and UNO.

Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve by Aλκμήνη Τ.

My way to protect myself and others from the corona virus by Θανάσης Τ.

What I miss most about school by Βασιλική Κ.

What I miss most about school is my classmates and my teachers. I miss the games, the jokes we did and even our fights. I miss Mrs Aggeliki, Mrs Joanna, the German and the Art teacher. At least I am having a great time. I read books, I draw and I watch films. I also play volleyball and tennis with my little sisters. We sometimes play computer games.

Moreover, I miss eTwinning so much! I really hope schools will open soon but until then we must stay home and we must stay safe!


Stay safe, stay home, flatten the curve by Γιάννης Κ.


  1. My way to protect my self and others from the corona virus

Every day I wash my hands  and I clean my house.

  1. Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve

Every day I listen to music, I play ps4 and  I read  books.

  1. What I miss most about school...

I miss the school playground, my  classmates and my teachers!

What I miss most about school by Kυριάκος

Half month ago our PM (Prime Minister) decided that all schools must close, because of a virus. So I’m writing this story from home.Well I must admit that I have missed school a lot. I miss my friends, my class and my teachers…

Also I miss breaks a lot, because I play with my friends many games… It’s so boring that you have to stay at home and you can’t do anything. I hope that  schools open faster than the scientists say.


What I miss most about school by Anastasis


The last two weeks we don’t go to school due to corona virus.I feel very sad about that and I miss everything about school.I miss my daily routine, waking up in the morning and getting ready for school. I miss meeting my friends before class and talking about what we did the day before.

I miss my teachers, going to class and learning new things. I also miss playing with my friends during the break, running around  the playground, laughing and feeling happy and free. I even miss writing tests, doing my homework, answering to difficult questions…I wish I could  go back to school and have my old  great life back...I will appreciate it more,for sure!!!                                                                                            AND OF COURSE I MISS YOU MISS JOANNA!!!


ANSWER FROM MISS JOANNA: I miss you too! I am starting to appreciate my life more Anastasis! I miss my students!