Updated on November 28, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving 2024!
Do you know which countries celebrate Thanksgiving? If you pay attention in class, you should be able to name them! Leave a comment with your answer (It will be visible after I approve it, not right away).
Updated on November 5, 2024
Guy Fawkes Night
Guy Fawkes Night makes an annual appearance in the English calendar every 5th of November, inviting revellers to light bonfires and fireworks across the nation as the autumn officially kicks in. But the roots of this centuries-old tradition is much more than an evening of sparks and illumination.
What Do People Do?
Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks. As it is the end of autumn, it is the ideal opportunity to burn garden rubbish. Some light small bonfires in their own gardens, while other light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality organizes a bonfire and professional firework display in a park. These tend to be very popular. Due to its proximity to Halloween, many people organize a combined party for Guy Fawkes Night and Halloween. These parties often include elements from both festivals, such as a bonfire and dressing up in spooky outfits. Popular foods include toffee apples, bonfire toffee and potatoes baked in the ashes of the fire. Guy Fawkes, a Catholic, was arrested, tortured and executed for his part in the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Hence many Catholics are more restrained in their celebration of this day. In addition, many injuries and even deaths occur as a result of fireworks being used incorrectly. For this reason, many safety campaigners call for the sale of fireworks to the public to be restricted even more than at present and for more professional displays to be organized.
Public Life
Guy Fawkes' Day is not a public holiday. Businesses, organizations and schools are open as usual. Public transport services run to their normal timetables. Some organizations, communities and municipalities may organize public bonfires or displays of fireworks on or around November 5.
Background and symbols
Guy Fawkes Night celebrates the failing of an attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London on November 5, 1605. The attack was planned by a group of Catholic conspirators, which included Guy Fawkes. The explosives would have been set off when King James I of England (King James VI of Scotland) and many parliamentary members were in the building. The conspirators were later arrested, tortured and executed.
If you want to learn more, read about it on Wikipedia.
Have you heard about Guy Fawkes Night before? Does it remind you of any customs/traditions in Greece?
Posted on March 17, 2023
Happy Saint Patrick’s day!
Hello everyone.I hope you enjoyed learning about this special day! Can you tell me one or two things about it or about Saint Patrick?
Posted on February 14, 2023
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine's day everyone. Do you know the artist of this painting?
Posted on December 1, 2022
December 1st, time for an Advent Calendar!

Santa's beard Advent Calendar
Hello December! December is here along with lots of rain and cold! The best part of December is the countdown to Christmas, isn't it? And what better way to do that, than with an advent calendar! Advent Calendars start on December 1st and count the days until Christmas, yay! So, here's a Santa's beard calendar for you. You can print, colour and add cotton balls to the beard, one each day! Have fun! Is Christmas your favourite holiday, too? Can you tell me why? (or why not?)
Updated on November 24, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving 2022!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Do you know which countries celebrate Thanksgiving? If you pay attention in class you ought to!
Do tell us in the comments!
Posted on October 31, 2022
Happy Halloween 2022!
Happy Halloween everyone! Did you celebrate the spookiest day of the year? What did you do? Did you wear a costume? Also.do you know why people dress up in scary costumes?
Posted on September 10, 2022
R.I.P Queen Elizabeth II
''I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.'' A promise made and kept, by Her Majesty The Queen on her 21st birthday.
September 8th is a sad day for the Commonwealth and the world as it marks the loss of an iconic leader who personified the concepts of duty and service. Sincere condolences to the citizens of the UK.
Do you know when Queen Elizabeth II was born and how many years she reigned?
Updated on October 27, 2021
Happy Halloween! 2021
Hello everyone! Have a happy Halloween! Don’t forget to wear a scary costume! And if you carve a pumpkin, please share a picture with us! BOO!