
Week 12 – Thanksgiving 2020

Friday 27 November 2020


Hello again!


It's been a while since I wrote in our blog.

Today is a perfect chance because we talked about the American culture and (yesterday's) Thanksgiving in our Webex meeting.


You can watch the history of Thanksgiving in this National Geographic video.

What is the history of Thanksgiving?


And this is a neat song to remind you of all the things a person can be thankful for. I have turned the subtitles on!

Thankful, by the Juicebox


An incredible teacher from Larissa, Miss Aphrodite, has made a special activity for this song. You can watch it and answer the questions, but this time the subtitles are off!

activity for "Thankful" song


Finally, the last activity we did in our meeting today.

You can listen to this file on soundcloud and it will make you think about all the people and things that made you happy today.

After you listen, write just ONE sentence starting like this: "Today I am thankful for...".

You can write it as a comment on our hive's wall right under the Thanksgiving post.

"Today I am thankful for..."


See you on Webex on Wednesday, everyone!


Week 4 – Meeting the newcomers: forests and house windows (!) around the world

Friday 9 October 2020

Hi, everyone!


This week we finished our tour around the countries of the newcomers at the International school. We visited Ukraine, Albania and Georgia and we learned a little bit about their geography. However, our planet is full of beautiful places! Do you want to travel from your computer/laptop/cell phone screen?

In this amazing site you can listen to sounds of forests from around the world!

I think you are going to love it!

There aren't any forest sounds from Ukraine or Albania, but you can listen to the sounds of TWO forests in Georgia and a forest in Samothrace, in the North of Greece.


Forest sounds from around the world


In the second site you can just open a house window anywhere in the world!

Can you believe it?!

Just click on "Open a new window somewhere in the world" and see what people in Thailand, Germany or the USA can see from their window!

Impressive, isnt it?


Open a window somewhere in the world




Week 3 – Meeting the Newcomers: Ukraine and Chernobyl

Hi there, beautiful people of ΄Στ1!


This week in our classes we talked about two new students at the International School: Sasha from Ukraine and Christina from Albania.

In her report in the school newspaper Sasha writes about Ukraine and talks about a serious accident

Here is the video we started watching in class about Chernobyl, the city in Ukraine where the nuclear accident happened in 1986.


We also talked about another video where you can watch the frequency (Ha! Do you see what I did there? Does this remind you of the Adverbs of Frequency???) of nuclear explosions from 1945 to 1998, a period of approximately 50 years.

In the bars at the top and bottom of the video you can see the flag of the country that does the nuclear tests. It's slow at the beginning, but notice what happens after 1960. It's a little scary, isn't it?



See you in class, everyone!

Week 1 – Behind our masks

Thursday 17 September 2020

Hello, amazing people!

In Week 1 of school the masked heroes of ΄ΣΤ1 showed that they are ready to fight!

We are stronger than Covid-19! We fight it with masks, hot water and soap!


We keep a safe distance from our friends, but we can still say "Hi!"

What's your favourite distant greeting?

This school year isn't only about learning English. It's about staying safe and healthy. It's also about showing our friends and family our love and support!

Behind the masks there are superheroes full of talents and positive energy!


The things we need for this year's English class are:

  1. δύο φακέλους με ελάσματα τύπου Leitz (κόκκινο και πράσινο) - μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε κάποιον από τους περσινούς σας!
  2. ένα μπλοκ Α4 ριγέ με τρύπες για ντοσιέ



Miss E.