Let’s explore ecosystems

Follow the link go-el.com/join and enter the following class code to enroll:


Then, explore the various ecosystems with the use of simulations.

Explore the pond ecosystem: https://apps.explorelearning.com/gizmos/launch-gizmo/664

Explore the forest ecosystem: https://apps.explorelearning.com/gizmos/launch-gizmo/639

Explore the prairie ecosystem: https://apps.explorelearning.com/gizmos/launch-gizmo/647

Now, try to save the forest ecosystem here: https://apps.explorelearning.com/gizmos/launch-gizmo/3010


Our Spanish friends’ connections with ecosystems

Click to read about our Spanish friends' visits to various ecosystems.

Think and write: What kind of an ecosystem is it? What are its parts and how are they connected? What can one do there?

Our connections with nature - IE Castellterçol

Vital functions of living things

From the tiniest ants to the tallest trees, everything around us is part of a big, exciting family of life.

Have you ever wondered what makes up the fascinating world of biotic living organisms?

These organisms perform vital functions—that means they do important jobs necessary for survival!

Watch and video and learn about the vital functions of living things! Then do the quiz to see how much you have learnt!


Juan’s and Elle’s daily routines

Click to read how Juan and Elle spend their day!

Are there any differences with your own routine?

Daily routines

Daily routines spinning wheel

Spinning wheel

Action verbs Monkey Game

Follow the link to play this Sentence Monkey game and practise regular actions

... things we do every day, every week, every month, every Monday, on Wednesdays,

at Christmas, every now and then!

Present Simple Tense Action Verbs Interactive Monkey Game

Present Simple Tense Action Verbs Interactive Monkey Game

Grammar focus: Let’s talk about daily routines

Now click on the following link to do the quiz with Gru!



Daily routines: Picture dictionary

Follow the link to study the picture dictionary of daily routines.

Picture dictionary

Hangman with Adverbs of Frequency

How often do you do things?

always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely or simply never?

Don't forget! Never say "never"

Adverbs of Frequency Hangman Spelling Game for ESL, EFL Practice


In my dream

Click, listen and read!