

Resources for designing the greenhouse on the Moon

Here is file with information about plants and their needs, so that you can design your greenhouses on the Moon. What do plants need to survive_astrofarmer And here is a presentation about growing plants in space, by the …

A greenhouse effect simulator

Click to find a greenhouse effect simulator. Change the parameters to see what happens … https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/greenhouse-effect/latest/greenhouse-effect_en.html  

A greenhouse effect experiment

An experiment to show that the higher the CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the higher the temperature will rise …  

Meet the greenhouse gasses

Here is the link to the Climate Kids of NASA. Follow the link to read about the greenhouse gasses. At the bottom of the page, you can find the gasses’ ID cards … https://climatekids.nasa.gov/greenhouse-cards/  

A video to remind you of the composition of air …

  And here is a video about smog (smoke + fog)