
A different scientific journal: Frontiers for Young Minds

Here is the link to an amazing scientific journal entitled Frontiers for Young Minds. The amazing thing about this journal is that the articles are reviewed by children!!! Also, it is open-access, which means that anyone can read its articles for free!

What do you think about that?

Frontiers for Young Minds

13 Comments on “A different scientific journal: Frontiers for Young Minds

  1. I think that being open-access is good because everyone can enter for free. And my opinion about the children reviewing the articles is good because they express their opinion and say if they can understand them.

    • I agree with you! It is good for children to have access to all this knowledge produced by scientists for free!

  2. I think it is amazing because children can read articles about science. I will try to read one.

  3. I think it is a good idea because the children rate the articles about science and because anyone can read these articles.

  4. I think that this is very good for children because from these articles they can learn many new and interesting things about science.

  5. I think that journal is good for children because it has articles
    appropriat for all ages.

    • I agree with you. As long as it is reviewed by children, its articles are child-friendly and written with children’s age in mind.

  6. I think this collection of articles is excellent because it is free for everyone to read and the articles are easy for students, children and adults to read.

  7. I think that scientific journals are amazing because they have articles
    appropriate for children, reviewed by children and they are free.


  8. I think that it is difficult but amazing to write articles in this journal. I would do it like a comic

  9. I love this idea! Its great that the children review the articles and also that everyone can read them free!

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