
A poster with internet safety rules

Here is a poster on internet safety ...

Write as a comment below:

  1. A few words about the importance of internet safety. Why should we put up a poster like this in our school?
  2. Some rules starting with Do... and Don't....

31 Comments on “A poster with internet safety rules

  1. 1) I think Internet safety is important because if you don’t know how to be safe online, you’ll give out your personal data without knowing.
    2) Make sure you don’t share your personal info with non-trusted sites.

  2. 1. My opinion is that Internet safety is important because you have to now how to protect your personal information online and how to protect your banking online perhapes. I also think that we have to put a poster like this in our school because we have to learn from a younger age for it to protct our selfs online.
    2. Dont create content with people that you now only from Internet and you don’t now them face to face.

    • I agree, Zoe, we should put up a poster like this in our school, too. About the rule, do you mean to say: Don’t share information with people you don’t know personally?

  3. 1)My opinion is that it is very important to be safe on the internet because if you are not, your personal information can be stolen without knowing.
    2)When you are on internet you don’t go to the sites that you don’t know.

    • So, the rule is: When you are online, do not visit sites you don’t know or always check the security of the sites you visit?

  4. 1. Internet safety is important for me because that was I can use the internet without having any fears of being scammed etc. 2. Do not purchase anything from sites you’re not 100% sure are safe. Do use a VPN if you ever find yourself on unsafe sites. Do not ever give out personal data on social media or any unsafe sites unless you want to make an account on a completely safe app.

    • So, it is important for us to use the internet without fearing that it can put our security and privacy at risk.

  5. All of you agree that internet safety is important because the internet can be a dangerous place. So, why don’t we just stop getting online?
    Why is it important for us to be able to use the internet with safety?
    I think that we should start from that first …

  6. I think it’s important to put a poster like that because it will help the children of our school be safe in the internet.

    -Don’t shop online unless you know the site that you are shopping from is secure
    -Don’t share your personal data

    • Why is internet safety important? Why do children need to know all about it? Why don’t they just stop using the internet?
      Remember: on the internet.

      • Because even if it’s dangerous it’s important and needed and also if you are careful you can avoid the dangers of the internet that’s why we need to have a poster like that in our school, for kids to be aware of the danger.

  7. The Internet can be a wonderful place to learn, shop, play games, and talk to your friends. Unfortunately, there are also predators, identity thieves, and others online who may try to harm you. In order to be safe online, it’s important for you and your kids to be aware of the dangers.

    1. Do not trust what they tell you if you do not know that it is safe.

    2. Do not buy things from websites that you are not sure if they are safe

    • Fantastic answer! But it sounds like you are addressing parents. Have you visited a parent website lately?

  8. 1)1. I believe that the internet safety is important because if you don’t know how to protect yourself, sometimes you give out personal information by mistake.
    2.Because is important for youngsters to learn about internet safety.
    2) Visit only safe sites.
    Don’t give out personal information.

  9. The internet’s safety is important, because you need to protect your personal data.
    Some RULES
    1)Don’t give your personal data

    2)Don’t do everything that someones tell you.

  10. I think internet safety is important because if you don’t know how to be safe online someone can stole your personal information and data .
    put a sticker on your computer camera to make sure no one can see you.
    do not give out your personal information.

    • I agree that someone can steal your personal information. But why to use the internet then, if we are so much in danger?

  11. The internet safety is important because if we give out personal information to strangers then they might have acess to our personal data like banking account or your e-mail.
    Don’t give out personal data to strangers.
    Make sure when you are in a site that it’s secure.

  12. I think safety online is important because if you dont know how to be safe, someone can take your perconal data.
    1)Don’t visit unknown wepages because someone can take your data.
    2)Don’t give yor pesonal data.
    3)If you have already done all these things, someone can’t take your perconal data.

  13. I also think as well that being safe online is very important but some of us don’t know how, so I have gathered information and found some quick tips.
    1:When you buy something online make sure to see the comments and if there are any pictures of the item you buy so you can see if it’s of good quality.
    2:If you see someone with the same name as your friend or a known person ask them first if it’s them, so you can make sure you are not with a complete stranger.
    3:whenever you download an app check the ratings and the description first because it might be dangerous.

  14. 1)I believe that the internet safety is important because if you don’t know how to protet yourself anyone can try to harm you.For example they can steal your personal data and identity and have an access to your banking account.That’s why you have to be aware of the internet dangers, in order to avoid them.
    Do not give your personal data to unknown people.
    Do not go to websites that you are not sure are safe.

  15. In my opinion nowdays being safe online is very important.
    1) You mustn’t shop or enter on wesites that they are not safe.
    2)Don’t chat with people that you don’t know in real life.
    People must understand how dangerous the internet can be.

  16. Internet is part of our routine. We share informations at the school, at the work. We use it for our social life and for fun.
    Do s: make a poster for our classroom about internet safety, avoid “phishing”, inform the adults and the police if you see anything suspicious.
    Don’t : trust enyone, don’t expose your personal data.

    • Great answer, Erasmia! The internet is indeed part of our everyday life. We share a lot of informations on the internet.

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